Biennale Tecnologia

Politecnico di Torino presents, in synergy with local players, a permanent biennial event dedicated to technology’s decisive impact on each aspect of human life – from health to environment, from interpersonal relationships to democracy: Biennale Tecnologia

Biennale Tecnologia alternates with Biennale Democrazia – an event that promotes a culture of democracy that should be translated into democratic practice – in order to complete and deepen such reflection by looking wider to the multiple aspects of technology, a human-created instrument that, after all, significantly affects everyone’s life.


Biennale Tecnologia is a wide-ranging event that offers to the citizenry an articulated, inclusive and accessible reflection on the increasingly relevant issue of the relationship between technology and society, starting from the most recent technological innovations, but also recalling the history of Italian technological roots, hoping that past and present great results will be inspirational for the future. The discussions focus on the environmental, ethical, social, economic and geopolitical implications of major technological issues such as artificial intelligence, energy, transports and telecommunications. More generally, the question is: “how do we manage technology in the community’s interest?”.

The program includes lessons, debates, workshops and exhibits with international guests, with a strongly interdisciplinary approach, enriched by the languages of fiction, cinema, music and figurative arts. Laboratories and learning activities, some of whom specifically designed for primary and secondary schools, are included.


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